Netflix Logo With CSS Hello Folks! today I'am going to share with you a "Netflix" logo design with CSS code is easy and simple even 10y/o child could try. Let's see our Source Code : If you know Html and CSS very well then this post is just a piece of cake with you not and hard and fast coding is applied just span tag i choose and design it accordingly. Index.html <div class=" container "> <span></span> <span></span> <span></span> </div> Style.CSS body { background:#26242e; } .container{ position:absolute; top:30%; left:50%; display:flex; width:120px; height:200px; overflow:hidden; } span { position:absolute; width:40px; height:200px; background:#d81f26 } span :nth-child(1){ right:0; } span :nth-child(2){ left:40px; z-index:1; transform:skew(22deg); ...