How to Create a Calculator Introduction Calculator is one of the basic projects of JavaScript or any other languages a newbie programmer should probably know how to create it.The best thing of this is that the coding is short and easy to understand . It is a basic project that perform arithmetical operations. All you have to do is to create a button for each number, arithmetic operations. symbols and then add a text-box or input-field. Here is the Output of Dark Calculator : Output: Source Code : Index.html: Here is the html coding :) <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang =" en "> <head> <meta charset =" UTF-8 "> <meta name =" viewport " content =" width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 "> <title> Dark Calculator </title> <link rel =" stylesheet " href =" styel.css "> </head> <body> <div class =" main "> <div> <input id =" result ...